Melbourne Gun/Weapon Crime Lawyer
Experienced Reprsentation in Brevard County
You may face serious legal and financial consequences as a result of being convicted of a gun or weapon charge under Florida law. The State of Florida has enforced a firearms prevention act that severely punishes offenders convicted of gun, firearm or weapon charges.
Our Melbourne weapons attorney work closely with clients to make them aware of all potential defenses and consequences.
Contact us to get a clear explanation of the terms relating to your offense and how our attorney will aggressively defend you.
Weapon and Firearm Charges in FL
Possession of a gun or firearm during a criminal act requires minimum sentencing punishable by 10-year mandatory imprisonment. Firing or discharging a gun or firearm during a criminal act requires minimum sentencing punishable by 20-year mandatory imprisonment.
Causing serious bodily injury from a gun or firearm during a criminal act requires sentencing punishable by a 25 year to life minimum sentence.
Just a few of the charges Florida residents could find against them include:
- Carrying a Concealed Weapon
- Improper Exhibition of a Firearm or Deadly Weapon
- Possession of a Firearm by a Convicted Felon
- Armed Burglary Carrying a Concealed Firearm
- Armed Trafficking in Illegal Drugs
- Armed Possession of Illegal Drugs
- Armed Kidnapping
- Aggravated Battery with a Deadly Weapon
- Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon
Florida laws severely punish individuals who are convicted of illegal gun or weapons possession. Considering Florida’s harsh punishment for gun crimes, it is imperative that offenders seek aggressive representation. The State Attorney’s Office special “Gun Unit” prosecutors are tough on prosecuting Florida’s gun and weapons cases.
The Law Offices of Bryan J. McCarthy is competent at assisting clients with the issues and challenges that come along with defenses for gun and weapons charges. Protect your legal rights; contact our Melbourne firearm charges lawyer today.
Unlawful Possession of a Firearm under Florida Law
In the State of Florida, the requirements in place for legally purchasing and owning a firearm in Florida are very specific. If the specific requirements for purchasing a gun are not followed, individuals could be charged with unlawful or illegal possession of a firearm.
The penalty for this form of firearm charge ranges from a misdemeanor to a felony conviction that is punishable by substantial fines and lasting imprisonment terms. In addition, individuals who have been convicted of any previous felony shall not carry or possess a firearm in Florida. Felons in Possession of a Firearm charges carries a sentence punishable by a 3-year minimum sentence.
Illegal Sale of a Weapon under Florida Law
Gun sellers or merchants are mandated by Florida gun laws to abide by very specific procedures when selling guns or weapons. Failure to adhere to Florida gun law procedures can result in the merchant losing their gun and weapons selling license.
If an illegal sale of a weapon or firearm is performed by an unlicensed dealer, they could face felony criminal charges, depending on the magnitude of weapons sold, and the unlicensed dealer obtained the guns or weapons.
Unlawful Discharge of a Firearm under Florida Law
In the case where a weapon or firearm is discharged in a public location, the person who discharged the gun may be convicted of a 1st degree or a more serious felony criminal weapons charges if the offender has an established criminal record. If a weapon is unlawfully discharged from a vehicle within 1,000 feet of any person, the offender will be charged with a 2nd-degree felony.
Weapons / Gun Trafficking & Smuggling under Florida Law
Gun trafficking or weapons smuggling are exceedingly serious criminal charges. Typically with weapons or gun trafficking and smuggling cases, offenders may not only face charges from the State but possible Federal fire or weapons charges. This form of conviction will result in harsh penalties.
Call on a Melbourne Gun Crime Defense Attorney
Escalating violent crimes involving guns prompted Florida lawmakers to establish the 10-20-Life punishment policy as a gun deterrent. Depending on the situation, The Law Offices of Bryan J. McCarthy gun crime law firm may be able to achieve reduce or dropped charges or negotiate on your behalf for a diversion program, or probation instead of jail time.
The Law Offices of Bryan J. McCarthy has aggressively represented clients for gun, firearms and weapons charges in Brevard County, Florida, including Merritt Island, Cocoa, Cocoa Beach, Indian Harbour Beach, Melbourne Beach, West Melbourne, Palm Bay, Rockledge, Volusia County, and Orange County.
Contact us today by calling (321) 248-7742 or provide us with the brief detail of your case in our online form. Our dedicated Melbourne gun crimes attorney are here to help.